In the Italian seaside town of Riccione, the Hotel Sixty was left abandoned for 9 years. Following an eight-month renovation, Marianna Chiaraluce and Alfredo Monetti of branding and strategy firm Hospitality Mood, gave a new life to the abandoned hotel as The Box. “The Box’s philosophy rotates around a simple concept: less, but better” said Marianna Chiaraluce and Alfredo Monetti. For The ...
The new Vipp hotel in Copenhagen
The next 1 November Vipp, a renowned nordic furniture and home accessories company, will open a Vipp Hotel in Copenhagen. But beware, this is not a real hotel with a reception and many rooms, but a wider project of widespread accommodation: offering unique rooms in various destinations. “Our destinations all share the same goal: we want to invite people to experience first hand our philosophy of ...