Beni Ourain rugs

It looks like everybody need to have a Beni Ourain rug in their home to be cool 🙂

Yes, because these traditional Moroccan rugs are so popular nowadays that you can find them photographed in all the magazines, in the homes of the most famous interior bloggers and often used to decorate the Nordic style interiors (and not only!). I like it a lot and I admit that I would love to have one in my living room!

Beni Ourain rugpinterest

What is so special about these rugs?

The Beni Ourain rugs are traditional Moroccan rugs, hand-woven by the women of the Berber tribes in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains and were originally used as beds or blankets. They are 100% made of sheep wool, not subject to treatments or dyes. It is the wool of a sheep typical of the area: sheep of an ancient breed that produce high quality wool which makes these rugs particularly resistant.

They are characterized by the natural white color and traditional diamond and abstract lines patterns (there are also different decorations but always geometric) made in contrasting color, typically dark brown or black.


Beni Ourain rugteetharejade

Beni Ourain rugpinterest

Beni Ourain rugs were first made popular in the West by Le Corbusier and other modern architects who first decided to put them in their homes. And it’s no wonder these rugs have become so popular today. They are so soft and warm that they are perfect for adding a little texture and making any interior cozy. Furthermore, neutral colors and geometric decorations make them easy to fit in any home and adaptable to different styles, from Nordic interiors to more minimal homes.

Beni Ourain rugApartment Therapy

Beni Ourain rugParachute Home

Beni Ourain rugMilk Magazine

Beni Ourain rugheimatbaum

The only flaw? They are quite expensive carpets, but I would say that the price is justified by the craftsmanship and the fact they are completely natural and particularly durable and resistant.

Beni Ourain rugThe Citizenry


Read the post in ITALIANO or ESPANOL



  1. Hello, I’m intrested in Moroccan rugs. Especially in Beni Ourain. Is there anyplace where I can purchase on in Sydney?


    • Hello, I live in Milan so I don’t really know about the shops in Sidney. But you can have a look at this e-commerce, they have plenty of Beni Ourain rugs and I think they also sell in Australia: . Ihope this was helpfull!

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