Get the look

Three styling for a bedroom

In today's post, I want to give you some inspiration on how to style your bedroom. The bedroom is a very important environment that, even if used "only" at night, should not be overlooked when choosing the furnishing and decoration. Of course, it is also very important to choose functional and comfortable furnishings, as in the case of the bed, but style also counts! We always tend to give ...

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Christmas 2018 in a natural style

This year too, my favorite trend in Christmas decorations continues to be what we can call natural style with the addition of some touches of gold / brass. It is a trend that started last year (in fact I talked about it here) and that, lucky me, seems to continue this year. A trend that comes from the Scandinavian countries and reflects the Lagom style that everybody has recently talked about. ...

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How to furnish a terrace with a natural style

Summer has definitely arrived and with it the irresistible desire to be outdoors (even if some days in Milan you would just want to be inside with air conditioning ;) ). So today I want to talk again about how to style gardens and terraces. The style I like the best at the moment is the one I would call "natural": neutral colors like white or earth colors, natural and raw materials, fabrics ...

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My bedroom restyling – option 2

I'm back on the blog with the second option of restyling for my bedroom and another episode of my beloved section "Get the Look". I had the first restyling option published last week and you can find it here. A partial and low cost restyling in a pure Scandinavian style. This is the current state of my bedroom. And this was the first relooking idea that it seems you liked a ...

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My bedroom restyling– option 1

Today I want to propose a different kind of post and I sincerely hope you like it! This is a new episode of the GET THE LOOK section but this time it's special. In fact, I imagined to make a small restyling of my current bedroom and today I want to propose the first result. Yes because, since I am an eternal indecisive, I thought of two different options with totally different styles. Be ...

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